Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Anyone??

Southern Maryland is getting hit with record snow this winter.  We are in the midst of our second major winter storm this week and a blizzard at that.  We had a major snow storm (15-16 inches) in December.  We never have snow for Christmas.  The kids have gone from joyful glee at having a white Christmas to "Oh no!!  More Shovelling!?!?"  These pictures are actually from the December storm.  Our public services are having a hard time keeping up with everything from clearing the roads to repairing electrical lines. 

The snow has given us plenty of time at home to get some major school work done.  It has also gifted us with extra Daddy time.  I have been blessed with time to catch up on household chores and organizational tasks that needed to be done.  Thank you, Lord, for your provision for us.  Thank you for the opportunity to serve others in clearing our road and delivering provisions via our 4 wheel drive. 

The comical part of this is that our oldest son, Matt, is away at college in Merrimack, NH.  He has gotten no snow the last 2 weeks.  I sent him pictures via my phone of what our yard looks like and he could not belive it!