Friday, July 10, 2009


These are our three "little" boys-Phillip, Jeremiah and Patrick. I guess this makes the baby our tiny boy. This picture was taken about 6 months after we adopted the twins-Patrick and Phillip. Jeremiah was a little over 2 years old and the twins are about 3 1/2 years old in this picture. Considering that Jeremiah has always been a little ahead developmentally and the twins have been catching up developmentally, it is definitely like having triplets. I call them my multi-racial triplets. I would probably call them bi-racial triplets, but this brings to mind children of mixed African American and Caucasian heritage. So, I settled on the term multi-racial.

When we first brought the twins home, Jeremiah was sooooo jealous of them. Patrick was terrified of Jer because he would show his displeasure as any not-too-verbal toddler would-with his fists and his teeth. We had to watch him like a hawk. Not too long after the twins came home, Paul called me into the family room. He thought it was quite funny. The three little boys were sitting on the couch watching a pre-school show-well, Jeremiah was watching the show. The twins were watching Jeremiah. I can only describe their expressions by comparing them to the villagers in a Godzilla movie waiting for the monster to pounce. They were plastered to one end and Jer sat oblivious on the other end of the couch.

Now, they love each other so much. The twins are taking up for themselves and holding their own against Jeremiah. I rejoice in this because it says they feel comfortable to be themselves. They have formed and are continuing to form attachments. When they were smaller, I used to call them the three stooges with Jeremiah being Moe, the bossy one. Now, I call them the three musketeers-all for one and one for all. It has truly been a joy to watch their relationships with each other develop. I am so happy we were able to give them the gift of brotherhood.